Where can I get low cost health services for my 2yr old dog? ( In or near Chicago) He has kidney problems.? - low cost pet insurance
He is a child of two Shih Tzu. Nice dog! After running some tests, your vet thinks he has problems with the kidneys. I have already spent more than $ 500 in testing services and your veterinarian should take you to a specialist. My heart is in consultation with the veterinarian, but in reality I can not afford. Where can I find affordable health care for my dog? I know some insurance companies do not cover a dog with other health problems, so I am lost and do not know what else to do.
I do not know his condition, but here in Florida, some of our Humane Society accompanied by a clinic. The vets are very good and it is much more profitable. Good luck with your dog.
Try the veterinary schools at Loyola, UI and U of C. Call the union against the cruelty and you ask for references. You know, some veterinarians who work with payment plans with customers. Animal Care and Control in Chicago, would also have some suggestions. Good luck. I know how to feel. Kiss the doggus in the head for me.
Try the national associations of racial contact your dog - or Vetinerinary Medical Association in Chicago http://www.chicagovma.org through this link. They also list a home Chih Shih and rescue services in your area who may have some useful information.
May in the future, you want to look into insurance for the animals.
Good luck.
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