Friday, January 8, 2010

Disney Portable Dvd Player My Daughters Portable Disney Dvd Player Wont Play Films Properly?

My daughters portable disney dvd player wont play films properly? - disney portable dvd player

It is a region 1 player, no remote control, and bought the region 1 movies, the films hold despite were glued possible by its purpose and can be easily replaced, if so, how I bought into the j United States.


Leonized said...

The films in the region 1 copy or original?
If they are copies, which could be the problem ... If not better take it to a shop for electrical appliances will be set properly and if you have more problems than you can bring to them.
Hope this helps:)

Avalon said...

good time to get a book, rather than down onto a DVD

daniel4j... said...

Consideration for a new Hopfully ..

Or you can buy it in America again

slick slack said...

cheaper to buy have bought a new, just a cheap multi region, I do not think a Tesco for around EUR 30.00

Phish said...

Stop polluting the minds of his daughter in the basket of Disney and something to do with any cultural or educational value.

How old is your daughter now? 31? 32?

Phish said...

Stop polluting the minds of his daughter in the basket of Disney and something to do with any cultural or educational value.

How old is your daughter now? 31? 32?

camshy00... said...

Buy a CD lens cleaner, which reduces soft brush and clean the laser lens, I had this problem with a portable DVD player and Goodmans of this solution was recommended to me by a colleague.

Try to see that only cost a few pounds per set. It worked for me and I regularly clean all the PS2, DVD and CD player and now I'm having trouble sticking discs.

Hope it helps.

camshy00... said...

Buy a CD lens cleaner, which reduces soft brush and clean the laser lens, I had this problem with a portable DVD player and Goodmans of this solution was recommended to me by a colleague.

Try to see that only cost a few pounds per set. It worked for me and I regularly clean all the PS2, DVD and CD player and now I'm having trouble sticking discs.

Hope it helps.

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